If I were to wish for anything I should not wish for wealth and power, but for the passionate sense of what can be, for the eye which, ever young and ardent, sees the possible. Pleasure disappoints; possibility never! And what wine is so sparkling, what so fragrant, what so intoxicating as possibility?" -Søren Kierkegaard



Visioneering Associates is a boutique international management consulting firm with a broad spectrum of expertise in business developmenteconomic development, leadership development and business operational excellence, specifically founded to advise, assist and mentor leaders and their organizations to “envision possibilities” that lead to strategically “engineered opportunities”, and to critically re-examine, re-imagine and effectively address perceived limitations. The ultimate goal of this effort being dramatic improvements in business and economic success through innovative thinking, planning and action. Envisioned possibilities and planning are discovered through a proprietary methodology that has been developed and refined over 20+ years in a wide variety of environments and some of the most complex and challenging business and economic environments in the world. This methodology is designed, first and foremost, to help leaders discover their unique paradigm, broaden their thinking, and expand their vision. Then after "visioneering" is fully explored and accomplished, strategy, planning and implementation (aka execution) are orchestrated for highly impactful success. This is not a "canned" approach, but rather a fresh new way of accelerating businesses, building sustainable companies, creating jobs and ultimately incubating economies, where required.


So often organizations jump into strategy and tactics before planning and the results are either chaos, confusion or disaster.....or all three. But even more often, organizations begin planning before they have developed “a clear mental picture of what could be.” This clear mental picture of what could be is best pursued through a process of “possibility discovery” aka Visioneering. Examining possibilities is hugely important to realizing possibilities, however, as human beings we quite naturally develop paradigms of thinking and action over time that are counter productive to seeing all possibilities and taking necessary actions. This is especially true in an increasingly global market with constant evolution, and in some cases, disruption, by new technologies, new industries and new emerging markets. No organization today can afford to rest on current business models, no matter what their past success has been. Perpetual vision (aka visioneering) is required, however, paradigms often get in the way of success.  This is why so many organizations decline or fail all together over time.


We have an extraordinary track record of success in assisting organizations and individuals to reach their full potential. This success has been achieved over the last 30+ years with numerous organizations, in several different industries, and across multiple countries and associated cultures. Every successful project has always begun first and foremost with an examination of vision, aka Visioneering!  Visit our Project Success page for more information.

"Vision without execution is hallucination." – Albert Einstein

Please refer to our Contact Us page and request a free introductory strategy session.